发表于 2014-7-22 10:35:48
本帖最后由 yanhuazhui 于 2014-7-22 10:48 编辑
Dear Sirs:
Our firm represents Ebates Performance Marketing Inc. and its affiliated companies, including Ebates Canada, Inc. ("Ebates'') iu certain trademark matters, It is our understanding that you have an account with Ebates.ca, and you are therefore presumably aware that Ebatcs is one of the most well-known providers of online cash back shopping services in Canada. By virtue of the prominent usc of the EBATES mark in Canada, the United States and elsewhere, Ebates is the owner of common law service mark. rights to this mark. In addition to these rights, Ebates owns several registrations and pending applications worldwide directed to its EBATES mark, including Canadian Registration No. TMI\838641 issued December 17,2012.
Ebates has become aware of your recent registration and use of the ebats.ca domain name. This domain name misdirects users to you!' Ebates Canada account in an attempt to obtain unearned referral credit from individuals making a common typographical en-or. These activities are a clear violation of the Ebates.ca Membership Terms and Conditions. which prohibits members from using "scripts or disguised redirects to derive financial benefit from Ebates Canada." Additionally, the use of the EBATES mark in this manner to deceive the public may be actionable as an infringement of Ebates' service mark rights in Canada under applicable law. Further, this form of "typosquatting" is gcncrafly accepted as evidence of bad faith registration and use of a domain name and therefore Ebates may have grounds to file a Complaint under the CIRA Domain Name Dispute policy ("CDRP") to have this domain name taken from you and transferred to Ebates.
Ebates therefore demands that you 1) disable the ebats.ca domain name including any and all links to the Ebates.ca or other Ebates' websitcs and 2) agree to transfer the domain name (and any other domain name you own iha: contains the EBATES roark or misspellings thereof) to Ebates as soon as possible.
Please respond to indicate your intention to comply with our demands by no later than,.July 28, 2014. If we do not hear from you by that date, we will assume that you are not interested in reaching an amicable resolution to this dispute and Ebates will have to consider retaining Canadian counsel to explore more formal options for protecting the public and its rights to the EBATES mark.
Brian M. Davis |