有谁会吗,payoneer 要求确认业务支付符合4 项后入账,谁指导下啊
We are contacting you in regards to payment #xxxx.
Due to online financial regulations, we require your assistance in confirming that the line of business related to the payment complies with our Terms and Conditions.
In order to approve this payment and ensure that future payments are processed quickly, please provide the following information:
- A full screenshot of your NAB zdqpay account profile showing your name and business name
- A full screenshot of your NAB zdqpay incoming payments history page
- A detailed description of the source of your payments from NAB PAYANYWHERE (Please include the type of products and/or services you are offering)
- Please advise how potential customers find you and contact you and, provide us with a valid link or supporting documents showing the nature of the services you offer.
Q Q 6 4 9 9 1 8 0 4 3
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