本帖最后由 ccdde 于 2010-12-21 20:08 编辑
账户批下来就交给合作的,10天左右做了2000多刀,(好像做得是vista print)结果商家投诉说注册很多,转化率很差,要求我解释,我告诉他我只是把banner挂网站上,浏览者的行为,我无法控制,最好解除了我的投放。今天LC的调查信就来了,现在还要我提供护照。不知道这个账户解救的成功率有多少。有没有这方面的能人,能做这样的事,如能成功放款,对半分成。有这个能力的PM我,或联系QQ:113860604
We have detected abnormal activity within your LinkConnector affiliate account for the merchant campaigns in which you participate. To help us understand your account activity, please address each of the following issue(s):
1. What languages/countries do you target?
2. Are the targeted users mostly American, English, French, etc.
3. Explain how you generate traffic for the LinkConnector campaigns you promote (which websites, search engines, forums, or other methods do you use).
4. We would like to know more about when your promotion occurs.
5. To verify account information, please send us a picture or scanned copy of your driver抯 license.
6. Provide a Tax ID and business classification.
You have five (5) days to respond to this email. If we do not hear from you with a satisfactory explanation by then, you will be removed from the LinkConnector Network and all commissions will be invalidated. |