本帖最后由 Fileserve 于 2011-2-2 03:36 编辑 有一定的信息量
英文撰写,不懂英文的请考虑是否值两个金钱 Q:What methods do some of your biggest earners use to make money with the Monetization Widgets?
A:Our biggest publishers purchase PPC traffic (such as Google Adwords) to promote videos that are protected by the Widget. Others find unique content such as eBooks, music, files, pictures, information, and so on. There are hundreds of uses for our Widgets. Think about the sites you visit and are apart of and ask yourself, what would you personally fill out a survey for? Some also promote single surveys, usually mobile offers, trial offers, or purchase offers with landing pages via PPC. Make sure if you're setting up a PPC ad, you select to show the offer only to people from that target country. For instance, do not show a USA survey to Canadian traffic. |