本帖最后由 netsz 于 2011-1-29 17:00 编辑
Every day we testing our web sites, collect data from information sites (news, forex data, etc), submit soft in software archives and websites in directories. We tried iMacros, AutoHotKey, and “pure” PHP. iMacros and AutoHotKey lacks flexibility of PHP, and PHP lacks ease of use and debugging of the scripts in your browser.
That is how Web Human Emulator was made – it is Internet Explorer, “wrapped” in PHP. What was once taking time for a day or two, now takes less than an hour.
It is much easier to use than iMacros and other “macro” of Internet Explorer.
Full emulation of “live” testers on your site, including the movement of the mouse and keyboard buttons emulation.
It can be built into the PHP-finished or finished pieces already include PHP-code.
Gathering information from the site much easier than using a “pure” PHP.
http://filestrack.com/hz0x0jt0am ... _MT_4.0.14.rar.html
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